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12月 「心を磨く」

Letter December "refine your mind"






― 今月の大阿闍梨のひと言 ― 




塩沼亮潤 日々初心、今がすべて

In the past, December 13th was said to be the day when preparations for the New Year began.

Soot clearing was the first event. To usher in a new year, we cleanse our homes of soot, and then take a bath to remove the dirt from our bodies, which is called a "soot bath.''

I hope you can wipe away the soot from your heart and welcome the new year with a clean mind.

[ Monthly Words ]

If you want to meet a wonderful person, you first need to be conscious of improving yourself.

If you refine your inner self every day, it will not be a dream to meet the person of your dreams that is currently out of your reach.

1 comentário

美穂 上村
13 de dez. de 2024


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