Letter August "unforgettable memories"

世界一を誇る和紙と竹が織りなす優美な祭典は、仙台藩祖 伊達政宗公の時代から続く歴史ある伝統行事です。
― 今月の大阿闍梨のひと言 ―
塩沼亮潤 「心を込めて生きる」
The Sendai Tanabata Festival is coming again this year.
This graceful festival woven with the world's best Japanese paper and bamboo is a historic traditional event that dates back to the days of Date Masamune, the founder of the Sendai clan.
A special three-day period where you can make a wish on a star, which is also sung in the ``Aoba Castle Love Song''.
From August 6th to 8th, create unforgettable memories while admiring the swaying Tanabata decorations.
- Monthly Words-
I think I also caused a lot of worry for my mother and grandmother, who I had left behind in Sendai.
During the period when I was walking in the mountains, I woke up at midnight every day and prayed for the day's safety, and when the moon was out, I said to the moon, ``Please shine on my feet.'' It seems that he asked for a favor.
It is because of everyone's behind-the-scenes support that we are where we are today. Looking back, it's all thanks to you all.
This is truly "thanks to you".