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12月 「大阿闍梨と白菜」

Letter December "Dai-Ajari and Chinese cabbage".


― 今月の大阿闍梨のひと言 ― ふりかえってみれば、いろんなひとのお世話になりました。すべてを与えられた何不自由のない環境ではなかったからこそ、感謝の気持ちが強くなり、食べるもの着るものもほとんどなかったからこそ、たすけてくれるひとがいて、ひとのこころの温かさを知り、涙することができました。わたしはたまたま、むかしながらの日本的な信仰心が残っていた家に生まれたからこそ素朴な信仰心をもつことができたと、あらためて幼いころの環境に感謝しています。小さな家に、いつもかあちゃんと、ばあちゃんと一緒にいたからこそ、他人への気づかいやこころくばりが自然と身についたのだと思います。

塩沼亮潤 「人生でいちばん大切な三つのことば」より 

Chinese cabbage was introduced to Japan in the Meiji era, and many people made research and efforts to establish it as a crop in Japan. Chinese cabbage is in season from autumn to winter. When the cold is severe, the Chinese cabbage will store sugar because it will not freeze, so the sweetness of seasonal Chinese cabbage will increase and the taste will be exceptional. The Chinese cabbage harvested by Dai-Ajari himself is wrapped in newspaper and stored upside down. It is also used in various dishes such as pickles and hot pots to fill your heart and stomach.

[Monthly Word]

Looking back, I was taken care of by various people. Because it wasn't an environment without any inconvenience given everything, I felt gratitude, and because I had almost nothing to eat or wear, there were people who could help me, and I could know the warmth of people's hearts and tear. I did. I am grateful to the environment when I was young, saying that I was able to have a simple religious belief because I happened to be born in a house that had a Japanese religious belief. I think that it was because I was always with my mom and grandma in a small house that I naturally learned to be aware of others and to have a good heart.


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